6th - PTA Meeting
10th - Restaurant Night @ Habit Burger & Grill
20th - Founders' Day/Feast of Nations
PTA Founders' Day/Feast of Nations
Come celebrate the diversity of our cultures that make up our school and the founding of the PTA at our annual Founders' Day/Feast of Nations Dinner & Awards. Please see the flyer sent home with the blue note for additional details. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Blue/Gold Gear
If you weren't able to order blue/gold gear earlier in the school year, we have limited inventory available for sale under the Blue/Gold Gear tab. Please note that items are limited, so once an item sells out, that's it until next year.
Coming Soon... SAFE STREETS
The school zone speed limit is reducing to 15mph when children are present. Be on the lookout for more information...
Join the PTA!
What is the PTA? It's the Parent Teacher Association that connects the school with the community to enhance the children's learning environment. Through the PTA, parents can learn more about school happenings, meet other parents and be involved with the school community.
If you're not a member yet, please join! If you're already a member, please remember to renew your membership! Click on the membership tab, hit Join and you're on your way to becoming a member!