Monte Verde School Garden

Did you know MV has a school garden? If your child is in 1st or 2nd grade, they will get an opportunity to learn all about gardening and tend to the garden on campus! We are in need of a leader! If you are interested, please contact the PTA -

MV Book Club

This year, the book club is providing books for the classrooms. You all have received the flyer either through the weekly blue note or in your child's blue folder. If you'd like to participate, please turn in the form and payment by May 3rd. Thank you for your support!

SF Giants Fundraiser

Calling all baseball & SF Giants fans! We are hosting a fundraiser and selling tickets for the game on May 28th against the Phillies. Tickets are $10 and for every ticket sold, $5 goes back to the MV PTA. Please check the blue note or your children's blue folder for the form. The form & payment are due by May 15th.Â